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Who We Are

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Welcome to Nizhoni Counseling, LLC, a truly unique therapy practice that is proudly Indigenous owned. Since our establishment in 2018, we have been dedicated to providing top-notch mental health services to our beloved community members throughout the beautiful state of New Mexico. Whether you prefer in-person sessions or the convenience of telehealth services, we are here to meet your needs.


What sets us apart is our holistic approach to healing. We believe that true wellness encompasses not only the mind, but also the spirit, emotions, social connections, and physical well-being. By embracing this culturally inclusive philosophy, we create a safe and nurturing environment for all individuals seeking support.


Our mission is simple, yet powerful. We strive to offer quality wellness support that not only respects and celebrates Indigenous core values, but also fosters a thriving community for future generations. At Nizhoni Counseling, we are passionate about helping you achieve overall well-being and empowering you on your personal journey towards mental and emotional balance.


Discover the extraordinary range of services we have in store for you!


You're about to embark on a journey where all your needs and those of your loved ones will be met with utmost care and expertise. At our practice, we offer an expansive range of services that are specifically tailored to cater to your unique requirements. Whether it's for your own well-being or the well-being of someone dear to you, we have you covered. 




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Holistic Wellness







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Nizhoni Counseling is partnering with a range of organizations to enhance our services and provide new tools and resources. These partnerships will greatly impact our local community and elevate the quality of care we offer. 

Nizhoni Counseling is located on the land of the indigenous people known as the Tuf Shur Tia. The traditional homelands of the Sandia Pueblo Tribe. We acknowledge our presence on this land and offer gratitude to the people of the Tuf Shur Tia and the land we inhabit.

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